Sourdough bread

Sourdough bread


makes 1 loaf
  • 370g water
  • 100g sourdough starter
  • 100g strong wholemeal bread flour
  • 400g strong white bread flour
  • 8g fine sea salt mixed with 15g of cold water
  • Rice flour for dusting


  1. This process takes 8 hours, and the dough should be put in the fridge to prove overnight.
  2. Mix: In a large bowl mix the flour and water together, and set aside for at least one hour at room temperature. Then add the starter and mix well, until all the ingredients come together into a large ball. Cover and let the dough rest at room temperature for 1-2 hours – this process is called Autolyse.
  3. Fold: Add the salt mixed with water and dimple your fingers into the dough to allow the salty water and salt to distribute evenly throughout the dough. Leave for 10 minutes. Next, wet your hands then lift and fold the dough over, do a quarter turn of the bowl and repeat three more times. Repeat 3 times at 30 minute intervals with a final 15 minute rest at the end.
  4. Shape: Shape the dough lightly into a ball if possible (the moisture content may be too high to shape the dough). Dust a tea-towel with rice flour, place the tea-towel inside a bowl, then place the dough in the bowl. Dust the top with flour, then cover with a damp tea-towel.
  5. Prove: Leave the dough to one side until it is 50% bigger (about 4 hours in a warm place), then transfer to the fridge and leave to prove there for 8 – 12 hours.
  6. Bake: The next morning preheat the oven to 220°C for at least 30 minutes before ready to bake. Place a baking stone in the oven and a large pan of boiling water underneath, or use a bowl with a lid and preheat the lid in the oven. The hydration helps to form the crust. Once heated, remove the baking stone or lid from the oven, and dust with a fine layer of flour. Place your dough onto the baking stone or lid, and slash the top a few times with a sharp kinfe. Cover with the bowl if using. Bake for 1 hour. Turn the heat down to 180°C and remove the bowl if using, and bake for another 10-15 minutes to form a darker crust. Leave to cool completely before slicing, and if possible, leave for a day to let the full flavour develop.